10 Funny And Amazing Google Tricks

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10 Funny And Amazing Google Tricks

 On my previous post, I’ve shown you some tips on how you can easily find what you’re looking for in Google. And today, I’m going to show you some funny and amazing tricks that you can do with Google. Most of these tricks use the very famous “I’m Feeling Lucky Button”.
Note: To do most of the tricks below, you must turn off Instant Search first.

1. Google Gravity – With this cool trick, you’re going to see Google logo and other stuffs on the Google homepage falling down to the bottom of the browser.

To do this trick, just visit Google Gravity or go to Google.com and type in Google Gravity then click I’m Feeling Lucky button.
2. Epic Google - Want to make the font size of the Google homepage excessively bigger? To do so, just go to Google.com, type Epic Google and click I’m Feeling Lucky button.
3. Weenie Google – This is the opposite of Epic Google. To try this trick, just go to Google.com, type Weenie Google and click I’m Feeling Lucky button.
4. Elgoog – Google homepage written in backwards (Google Mirror). To do this trick, just go to Google.com and type in Elgoog then click I’m Feeling Lucky button.
5. Find Chuck Norris
  • Go to Google.com
  • Type in “find Chak Noris”
  • Click I’m Feeling Lucky button
Chuck Norris Google Trick
6. French Military Victories? Or did you mean…
To do this trick, go to Google.com and type in French Military Victories. Now click I’m Feeling Lucky button and look at the question Did you mean.
7. Google Hacker – Have you ever wondered what will happen to Google homepage if it gets hacked? Try this trick to see the hacked version of Google.
  • Go to Google.com
  • Type in Google Hacker and click I’m Feeling Lucky button.
Google Hacker
I never thought that the Jejemon language has already spread all over the world. I thought it’s just here in the Philippines.
8. Play PacMan on Google - I’m sure most of you are already familiar with this trick but for the benefit of our other friends, I’m going to show you how you can play PacMan on Google (single or multiplayer mode).
Play PacMan On Google
  • Go to http://www.google.com/pacman/
  • If you want to play PacMan on single mode, click the Insert Coin button beside Google Search but if you want to play on multiplayer mode, click the Insert Coin button twice.
  • Multiplayer mode controls: Arrow keys and A,S,D,W keys
9. Change background image - With this trick, you can add a custom background image on Google homepage. Find out how by clicking this link: Change Google homepage
10. Google’s different languages

The R-Team

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google