Test Your Password Strength And Stay Safe Online

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While I was writing a post about Sticky Password Pro, I stumbled upon these cool websites that are related to password too that’s why I decided to share them with you guys.

For the past few months, we’ve been hearing news about hackers breaking into company databases and exposing some sensitive information like emails and passwords onto the internet for public viewing. So if you have an account, let’s say in Gawker or Playstation network, which databases have been hacked, you might want to check if your email address has been compromised by visiting Should I Change My Password, enter your email address and then it will tell you if you’ve been caught up in recent hacks.
 Aside from Should I Change My Password, there’s also another interesting web app called How Secure Is My Password that test the strength of your password and tells you how long would it take to crack your password using a standard desktop PC.
 The internet is truly a wonderful place to learn and discover new things but it is also dangerous if we will not take care so always stay safe online!

The R-Team

Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard. Google